Thursday, November 29, 2007




葛南维(jogepsb ganvle)教授八大法则中,提到:股价若离移动平均线(MA)太远,则未来股价会朝移动平均线靠近,此为「磁线」效应;而股价与移动平均线的距离即为乖离。
公式: P - (T)MA


(1). 由于股价是由人类行为所创造,既是人类的行为,就会不断重复一定的模式。表现于股价上,即是涨越高,追高买盘越少,而持股者已有一定的获利水准,会有卖出的动作;跌越深,持股者杀低意愿降低,卖压减轻,而逢低买盘渐增。而Bias即在测此临界点,也就是股价反转点。
(2). 而Bias自移动平均线而来,而移动平均线葛兰碧八大法则中,有四法则与Bias有关:
A. 股价涨高,会朝移动平均线拉回。
B. 股价跌深,会朝移动平均线靠近。
C. 当涨势中,拉回触及上升的移动平均线,是买点。
D. 当跌势中,反弹触及下跌的移动平均线,是卖点。
上述四点,即是「磁线」效应,而A.B.二点即是乖离率的应用;C.点于"拉回触及移动平均线"和D.点"反弹触及移动平均线"表现在公式中,即分子部分为 P-(T)MA = 0,可得乖离率为零,Bias触及零轴。即C.涨势中,拉回至零轴是买点;D.跌势中,反弹至零轴是卖点。
(3). 依过去的Bias的极大值、极小值来预测股价未来之高低点,也就是源于过去的历史轨迹来做高低点的预测,而这历史的轨迹即是该股的乖离区间。






 对于大盘来说,5日BIAS达到-5以下时,坚决逢低吸纳;5 日BIAS达到-8时,坚决买进。在历史上,每当大盘出现低位放量暴跌时候,往往是市场出现转机的重要时刻。这时候,投资者应该紧紧观察那些率先开始反弹的品种。这些品种有可能是有新主力率先进入的" 阵地" .









(1) 从Bias的取值大小方面考虑



a. Bias选择的参数和大小。

b. 选择的具体是那支股票。  

c. 不同的时期,分界线的高低也可能不同。  



a. Bias(5)>3.5%、Bias(10)>5%、Bias(20)>8%以及Bias(60)>10%是卖出时机。

b. Bias(5)>-3%、Bias(10)<-4.5%、Bias(20)<-7%以及Bias(60)<-10%是卖出时机。



a. 对于综合指数,

Bias (10)>30%为抛出时机,

Bias (10)<-10%为买入时机。  

b. 对于个股

Bias (10)>35%为抛出时机,

Bias (10)<-15%为买入时机。  

(2) 从Bias的曲线形状上方面考虑  


a. Bias形成从上到下的两个或多个下降的峰,而此时股价还在继续上升,则这是抛出的信号。

b. Bias形成从下到上的两个或多个上升的谷,而此时股价还在继续下跌,则这是买入的信号。  





(1) 书上提供的具体数字仅仅是参考,正确的做法是在实践中自己寻找分界线的位置。

(2) 在Bias迅速地达到第一峰或第一谷时,是最容易出现操作错误的时候,应当特别小心。

(3) Bias的应用应该同MA的使用结合起来,这样效果可能更好。当然同更多的技术指标结合起来也会极大地降低Bias的错误。具体的结合法如下:  

a. Bias从下向上穿过0线,或Bias从上向下穿过0线可能也是采取行动的信号。上穿为买入信号,下穿为卖出信号。因为此时,股价也在同方向穿过了MA。  

b. Bias是正值,股价在MA之上,如果股价回落到MA之下,但随即又反弹到了MA之上,同时Bias也是呈现相同的走势,则这是买进信号。对于下降的卖出信号也可类似处理。  

c. Bias是正值,并在向0回落,如果接近0时反弹向上,则这是买入信号。对Bias的负值可照此办理。


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


[港股行情]两地上市公司AH比价表(11.27) (2007.11.28 )

     名称     AH价格比(%) A股价格(元) H股价格(港元) H股价格(元)
    *ST科龙  839         7.09        0.89          0.84
    洛阳玻璃 810         6.69        0.87          0.83
    S仪化    385         9.5         2.6           2.47
    南京熊猫 346         7.66        2.33          2.21
    S上石化  341         14.74       4.56          4.33
    东北电气 339         5.6         1.74          1.65
    新华制药 300         6.84        2.4           2.28
    经纬纺机 295         9.04        3.23          3.07
    S南航    290         25.22       9.15          8.69
    北人股份 288         7.9         2.89          2.74
    北辰实业 285         11.4        4.21          4
    中国国航 267         21.99       8.66          8.22
    创业环保 255         8.63        3.56          3.38
    江西铜业 248         46.07       19.54         18.55
    中国铝业 238         36.84       16.32         15.49
    东方航空 235         14.34       6.43          6.1
    中国石油 234         32.55       14.66         13.92
    广州药业 227         13.99       6.48          6.15
    大唐发电 226         14.51       6.75          6.41
    华电国际 215         8.06        3.95          3.75
    中国石化 200         20.91       11.02         10.46
    中信银行 200         10.02       5.29          5.02
    重庆钢铁 198         7.14        3.79          3.6
    中海油服 194         32.13       17.46         16.57
    华能国际 179         13.57       7.97          7.57
    中国银行 171         6.53        4.02          3.82
    中国远洋 171         40.55       25            23.73
    广船国际 162         71.1        46.15         43.81
    马钢股份 162         8.5         5.53          5.25
    广深铁路 159         8.29        5.48          5.2
    中国神华 159         65.18       43.3          41.1
    潍柴动力 157         78          52.2          49.55
    昆明机床 156         18.05       12.18         11.56
    中海发展 154         28.15       19.28         18.3
    中兴通讯 150         49.22       34.55         32.8
    深高速   146         10.11       7.3           6.93
    青岛啤酒 145         33.39       24.3          23.07
    建设银行 144         10.02       7.33          6.96
    兖州煤业 143         19.11       14.08         13.37
    皖通高速 142         7.76        5.75          5.46
    中国人寿 141         53.51       40            37.97
    中国平安 136         100.98      78.5          74.52
    工商银行 135         7.71        6.03          5.72
    东方电机 132         72.11       57.7          54.77
    交通银行 127         14.42       11.92         11.32
    宁沪高速 127         9.5         7.9           7.5
    鞍钢股份 120         25.97       22.75         21.6
    招商银行 117         37.57       33.9          32.18
    海螺水泥 110         67.6        65            61.7

Monday, November 12, 2007


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Friday, November 9, 2007

Expect Tutorial


Expect automates interaction and obviates the need for human effort in regression testing and conformance testing. With Expect skills, you can develop automated test suites to assure reliability and consistency with earlier software versions, or conformance with standards such as POSIX.
If you have not already done so, make a soft link from your directory to an executable file, expect, in my home directory.

ln -s ~dtly/usr/local/src/expect-5.19/expect expect

Notational Conventions

  • Characters typed by a person are in Bold.
  • Texts shown in computer code font represent computer text displayed on the screen
  • Terms being defined or emphasized are italic.
  • Normal texts are usually instructions or explanation about the tutorial.

Get Started With Expect

The three commands send, expect, and spawn are the building power of Expect. The send command sends strings to a process, the expect command waits for strings from a process, and the spawn command starts a process.

The send Command

The send command takes a string as an argument and sends it to a process. For example:
send "hello world"
This sends the string "hello world" (without the quotes). If Expect is already interacting with a program, the string will be sent to that program. But initially, send will send to the standard output. Here is what happens when I type this to the Expect interpreter interactively:
% expect
expect1.1>send "hello world"
hello worldexpect1.2>exit
The send command does not format the string in any way, so after it is printed the next Expect prompt gets appended to it without any space. To make the prompt appear on a different line, put a newline character at the end of the string. A newline is represented by "\n". The exit command gets you out of the Expect interpreter.
expect1.1>send "hello world\n"
hello world
If these commands are stored in a file, speak, the script can be executed from the UNIX command line:
% expect speak
hello world
To execute the file as just "speak" rather than "expect speak", insert the line "#!./expect -f" and do "chmod +x speak" . The name of the interpreter must appear after the characters #! in the first line. The ./expect is the path where Expect is to be found; in this case, it is in the current working directory.
% cat speak
#!./expect -f
send "hello world\n"
% chmod +x speak
% speak
hello world

The expect Command

The expect command waits for a response, usually from a process. expect can wait for a specific string or any string that matches a given pattern. Like send, the expect command initially waits for characters from the keyboard. To see how see how the expect command works, create a a file response.exp that reads:
#!./expect -f
expect "hi\n"
send "hello there!\n"
When I make response.exp executable and run it, the interaction looks like this:
% chmod +x response.exp
% response.exp
hello there!
If you get an error that goes like couldn't read file " ": No such file or directory, it may be because there are non-printable characters in your file. This is true if you do cut-and-paste from Netscape to your file. To solve this problem, try deleting trailing spaces at the end of each command line (even if there seems to be nothing there) in the script and follow the above steps again.

What Happens When Input Does Not Match

If expect reads characters that do not match the expected string, it continues waiting for more characters. If I had type hello instead of hi followed by a return, expect would continue to wait for "hi\n". Finding unexpected data in the input does not bother expect. It keeps looking until it finds something that matches. If no input is given, expect command eventually times out and returns. By default, after 10 seconds expect gives up waiting for input that matches the pattern. This default value can be changed by setting the variable timeout using the Tcl set command. For example, the following command sets the timeout to 60 seconds.
set timeout 60
A timeout of -1 signifies that expect should wait forever and a timeout of 0 indicates that expect should not wait at all.


To prevent expect from matching unexpected data, expect patterns can include regular expressions. The caret ^ is a special character that only matches the beginning of the input; it cannot skip over characters to find a valid match. For example, the pather ^hi matches if I enter "hiccup" but not if I enter "sushi" . The dollar sign ($) is another special character. It matches the end of the data. The pattern hi$ matches if I enter "sushi" but not if I enter "hiccup". And the pattern ^hi$ matches neither "sushi" nor "hiccup". It matches "hi" and nothing else.
Patterns that use ^ or $ are said to be anchored. When patterns are not anchored, patterns match beginning at the earliest possible position in the string. For more techniques on pattern matching, I suggest you buy the the book, Exploring Expect as well as Tcl and The Tk Toolkit.

Pattern-Action Pairs

Expect also allows association between a command and a pattern. The association is made by listing the action (also known as command) immediately after the pattern in the expect command itself. Here is an example of pattern-action pairs:
expect "hi" { send "You said hi\n" } \
"hello" { send "Hello yourself\n" } \
"bye" { send "Good-bye cruel world\n" }
This command looks for "hi", "hello", and "bye". If any of the three
patterns are found, the action immediately following it gets executed.
If there is no match and the default timeout expires, expect stops
waiting and execution continues with the next command in the script.

The spawn Command

The spawn command starts another program. The first argument of the spawn command is the name of a program to start. The remaining arguments are passed to the program. For example:
spawn ftp
This command spawns an ftp process and is the argument to the ftp process.

Putting It All Together

Now we're ready to use the three commands above to write a little script
to do some automations. Normally when I do anonymous ftp by hand from a shell, this is what I see:
% ftp 
Connected to
220 ftp.UU.NET FTP server (Version wu-2.4(3) Fri Nov 25 16:08:40 EST 1994) ready.
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
230- Welcome to the UUNET archive.
230- A service of UUNET Technologies Inc, Falls Church, Virginia
230- For information about UUNET, call +1 703 206 5600, or see the files
230- Access is allowed all day. Local time is Wed Feb 28 13:59:46 1996.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
To partially automate this action so that you don't have to supply an appropriate identification and then have control turn over to you, create a file aftp.exp that looks like this:
#!./expect -f
spawn ftp $argv
expect "Name"
send "anonymous\r"
expect "Password:"
send "\r"
Note: Instead of "\r", replace that with your login ID and the machine name of you are using.

Change permission of aftp.exp to executable and run it.
% chmod +x aftp.exe
% aftp.exe
Notice that each send command in the script ends with \r and not \n (\r denotes a return character while \n denotes a linefeed character). Interact is an Expect command that turns control from the script over to you. When this command is executed, Expect stops reading commands from the script and instead begins reading from the keyboard.


By no means will this tutorial guaranteed the readers the skills to exercise the full power of Expect. My main purpose here is to give you a taste of Expect and also to inspire your interests to do further exploration.